Pharmaceutical, Medtech and cosmetics PLM, PPM & Go To Market platform


Why Life Science needs PLM

1. The Life Science industry is undergoing rapid change
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The explosion of new products on the market requires faster innovation cycles

- Reduced new product introduction (NPI) and change order (CO) cycle times
- Improved innovation through complete, project-based product development processes



Tiered, global supply chains; escalating uptake of outsourced development & manufacturing partners

- Efficient collaboration across internal and/or outsourced development and manufacturing sites, suppliers
- Online collaboration tools and processes 


Increased demand for quality coupled with more stringent regulations

- Increased product quality and cost avoidance through proactive issue identification and resolution
- Management of complex product structures while adhering to regulatory requirements


Push for continued cost reduction, both in product & processes

- Consolidated “single version of the truth" for all product data eliminates unnecessary product proliferation
- Greater productivity via automated business processes with built-in quality and compliance management


2. Life Science companies face important Operational Challenges
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Fragmented Unsecured Product Information

Disparate Business Processes

Poor Collaboration and Visibility

Data scatter across legacy systems

Disconnected or Sequential – not linked to partners

Not sure what I should be working on

20-30% time is spent looking for data

Program, quality, compliance, cost & release processes disconnected / sequential

Current tools don’t support collaborative processes

Can’t find and reuse products

Slow change processes

Limited supplier collaboration

10-20% of product portfolio can be easily launched to more countries

Scrap, rework & inventory

No visibility on delayed projects

Lost Productivity

Increased Time, Cost & Risks

Slow Innovation



3. Life Science industry business drivers
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Leading Business Trends

- Improved product data change management
- Strengthening emphasis on supply chain activities
- A greater collaboration with outsourced manufacturers - “Built-in” compliance processes and checkpoints
- Increasing product re-use

Key challenges driving PLM adoption

- Global product development
- Outsourcing & acquisition integration
- Increasing product variance & complexity
- Accelerating product launches and time to volume
- Increasing regulatory compliance & product quality requirements
- IP management and security

Companies should have their PLM system for all the values that it generates:

- Bring products to market up to 30% faster
- Increase margins by up to 50%
- Products re-use up to 30%
- Portfolio optimization up to 38%
- Development Spending saved up to 35%
- Errors reduced by up to 25%

4. PLM value proposition
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PLM Impact

Accelerating Time to Market

Faster innovation cycles, NPI explosion

Reduce cycle time - 10-20%
Improve productivity - 20-40%

Reducing Costs & Increasing Profits

Intense pressure to reduce costs and supply risk, improve profit margins

Reduce material costs - 2-5%
Reduce Waste / Rework by 30-40%

Enable Globalization & Outsourcing

Low Cost Development Centers, Outsourced Development & manufacturing Acquisitions

Reduce costs and increase efficiencies thru outsourced development & manufacturing collaboration

Managing Risk & Ensuring Compliance

Increased Quality and Regulations

Managing risk across financial, regulatory and supply chain complexity

PLM enables companies to accelerate product innovation and maximize product profitability.

Platflow product lifecycle management (PLM) system can bring several advantages to a Life Science company, including:

  1. Improved collaboration and communication: Platflow PLM allow different departments and teams within a company to easily share information and collaborate on product development, improving efficiency and reducing errors.

  2. Streamlined product development: Platflow PLM can automate many tasks and processes involved in product development, such as document management, change control, and regulatory compliance, allowing for faster and more efficient development.

  3. Better decision-making: Platflow PLM provide a centralized location for storing and accessing product-related information, making it easier for managers to access the data they need to make informed decisions about product development, marketing, and sales.

  4. Increased visibility: Platflow PLM provide a comprehensive view of the entire product development process, allowing managers to easily track progress and identify potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement.

  5. Enhanced regulatory compliance: Platflow PLM can help ensure that a company complies with all relevant regulatory requirements by automating compliance-related tasks and providing a centralized location for storing and accessing important regulatory information.
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