Pharmaceutical, Medtech and cosmetics PLM, PPM & Go To Market platform


PLM phantom (or transient) assembly (or bill of material or structure)

In a product lifecycle management (PLM) system, a phantom (or transient) assembly is a virtual representation of a product or assembly that is used for design or planning purposes. It is a temporary or non-persistent assembly that is created for a specific purpose, such as testing, simulation, or analysis. Unlike a traditional assembly, a phantom assembly does not have a unique identity or a permanent place in the bill of material (BOM) structure.

A phantom assembly is typically used in the early stages of product development, when different design options are being considered and evaluated. It is a useful tool for simulating and analyzing various assembly configurations, without having to create actual physical components or products.

A phantom assembly is also known as a transient assembly because it is not permanent, it's a temporary assembly that will be deleted once it is not needed. It also can be used to create a virtual bill of material or structure that can be used for testing and simulation, but it will not persist in the main BOM.

In summary, A PLM phantom (or transient) assembly is a virtual representation of a product or assembly that is used for design or planning purposes. It is a temporary or non-persistent assembly that is created for a specific purpose, such as testing, simulation, or analysis. Unlike a traditional assembly, a phantom assembly does not have a unique identity or a permanent place in the bill of material (BOM) structure, and it's typically used in the early stages of product development, when different design options are being considered and evaluated.

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