Pharmaceutical, Medtech and cosmetics PLM, PPM & Go To Market platform


PLM engineering (or electronic) document (or data) management system (EDMS)

A PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) engineering (or electronic) document (or data) management system (EDMS) is a software tool that is used to manage and organize the various documents, data, and other information that is generated and used throughout the product development process. This can include information such as product specifications, design drawings, test data, and engineering change orders, as well as other types of documents, such as contracts, invoices, and purchase orders.

An EDMS is typically used to support the activities of the engineering and design teams, such as product design, development, testing, and validation. It allows these teams to create, store, and retrieve documents and data in a secure, centralized location, and to track and manage changes to the information over time.

An EDMS can also be used to support other activities such as regulatory compliance, quality control, and supply chain management. For example, an EDMS can be used to store and manage the device master records (DMRs) that are required for medical devices in many countries, including the United States and the European Union. It can also be used to track and manage the information that is required to support quality control and risk management activities.

In summary, A PLM engineering (or electronic) document (or data) management system (EDMS) is a software tool used to manage and organize the various documents, data, and other information that is generated and used throughout the product development process, such as product specifications, design drawings, test data, and engineering change orders. It allows to store, retrieve documents and data in a secure, centralized location, and to track and manage changes to the information over time. It can also support other activities such as regulatory compliance, quality control, and supply chain management.

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