Pharmaceutical, Medtech and cosmetics PLM, PPM & Go To Market platform


PLM check-in/check-out, file

In a PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system, check-in and check-out refer to the process of managing access to and changes to product data files.

When a user wants to make changes to a file, they "check out" the file. This creates a copy of the file that is only accessible to the user who checked it out. The user can then make changes to the file and save it. Once they are finished making changes, they "check in" the file. This updates the original file and makes it accessible to other users.

This system is used to prevent multiple users from making changes to the same file at the same time, which can cause conflicts and data loss. It also helps to ensure that the product data is accurate and up-to-date.

In summary, PLM check-in and check-out is a process of managing access to and changes to product data files. When a user wants to make changes to a file, they "check out" the file, making a copy of the file that is only accessible to the user who checked it out. Then once they are finished making changes, they "check in" the file, updating the original file and making it accessible to other users. This ensures that only one user can make changes to a file at a time and helps to ensure that the product data is accurate and up-to-date.

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