Pharmaceutical, Medtech and cosmetics PLM, PPM & Go To Market platform


PLM canceled (or obsolete or void) item

A PLM canceled, obsolete, or void item refers to a product or component that is no longer in production or in use. It is a product that has been removed from the product line and is no longer available for sale or use.

In a PLM system, a canceled, obsolete, or void item is typically marked as such within the system, and is no longer available for use in new product designs or production. This is important to ensure that the product data is accurate and up-to-date, and that everyone is working with the current version of the data.

When an item is marked as canceled, obsolete, or void, it is typically removed from the product structure, BOM and other related data, and can no longer be used in the product development or manufacturing process. This helps to ensure that the product development and manufacturing processes are efficient, and that resources are not wasted on products that are no longer in use.

It is also important to note that when an item is canceled, obsolete, or void, it is necessary to have a plan to handle the current units and inventory of that item, as well as any possible impact on the customer service and support.

In summary, A PLM canceled, obsolete, or void item refers to a product or component that is no longer in production or in use. It is typically marked as such within the PLM system and removed from the product structure, BOM and other related data, to ensure that the product data is accurate and up-to-date. It is important to have a plan to handle the current units and inventory of that item, as well as any possible impact on the customer service and support.

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